
Bolivia - Floripondio: Carbonic natural, Batian

White grape, cranberry juice, caramel.

125g / 250g / 1kg


White grape, cranberry juice, caramel.

125g / 250g / 1kg

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Floripondio has been growing coffee since 2014 and, with a focus on experimenting with many varieties and processes. Each coffee we have roasted over the years from Floripondio is unique, and this carbonic natural batian is no different. What can you expect in the cup? A very juicy & layered flavor profile, that has an intense complex acidity that really makes this coffee shine.

Floripondio gets its name from the Floripondio flowers (Angel’s Trumpet in English) that are native to the area and grow throughout the farm. The flower is thought to possess some hallucinogenic properties, and legend has it that as soon as you lay down beneath a Floripondio tree you start dreaming.

Sitting at an altitude of 1,710 metres above sea level and 47.29 hectares of coffee-producing land. The high altitude and tropical microclimate are characterised by high humidity and at times cool temperatures making Floripondio the ideal location for experimentation with different coffee varietals. The Rodriguez's have planted over 50 varieties on the farm in an effort to find which are the most suitable to the climate and and its distinct soil profile.

  1. Farm: Floripondio
  2. Country: Bolivia
  3. Region: Samaipata
  4. Altitude: 1,700 masl
  5. Variety: Batian
  6. Process: Carbonic Natural