Colombia - Los Chorros: Washed, Bourbon Aji & Gesha Colombia - Los Chorros: Washed, Bourbon Aji & Gesha

Colombia - Los Chorros: Washed, Bourbon Aji & Gesha

Grapefruit, raspberry, muscovado sugar.


Grapefruit, raspberry, muscovado sugar.

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From one of the Masterminds of Los Chorros farms, Carmen Elisa San Juan has brought us an incredible lot. This washed Bourbon Aji & Gesha packs so many flavours, you'd think it was a dessert parlour! Almost like the crust of a Creme Brulee, the coffee is sticky but not jammy. Showcasing an intense sweetness, matched by an intricate bitterness & Raspberry aromatics, the coffee is rounded up perfectly by its defining feature, a mouth watering juiciness. Dare I say? It's like Summer in a cup...

Los Chorros Bourbon Aji & Gesha has been packaged in our Colombian Artist Origin Project bag. The Artist Origin Project is a collaborative initiative where artists from coffee producing countries are invited to create bespoke artwork for 3fe. This origin bag has been designed by Colombian artist, Dario Trivińo. For more on Los Chorros, be sure to check out our blog.

  1. Country: Colombia
  2. Farm: Los Chorros
  3. Region: Huila
  4. Farm size: 1 Hectare
  5. Altitude: 1,706 m.a.s.l.
  6. Varietal: Gesha & Aji
  7. Process: Washed